Home Insurance Savings Tips
Set higher deductibles to lower your premiums.
Most companies offer discounts for smoke detectors, burglar alarms, third-party alarm monitoring systems, dead bolts, fire extinguishers, Neighborhood Watch programs.
Earn “multiple coverage” discounts by using one carrier for all of your insurance.
Premiums will be higher if fire stations and fire hydrants are too far away.
Going without a claim for three to five years may warrant a discount. Most companies reward longevity of service. Some companies offer discounts if you’ve paid off the mortgage.
Discounts often apply if your home was built or rebuilt within the past 10-15 years.
Check out non-smoker, early retirement, and live-in-housekeeper discounts.
Call today if you need help finding an insurance professional.
Home Insurance Saving Tips
Set higher deductibles to lower your premiums.